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Monday, September 17, 2012


     Every morning is just about the same at our house. Luke gives me a wake up call anywhere from 3-5a.m most days. I change his diaper, get him something to drink and turn on a movie of his choice. Most days, I wont lie I get to go back to sleep after awhile. Then when we all wake up again so begins our 'other' morning routine.

     I get woken up by one of the kids, lets say its Emma - I take her potty, get her something to drink and put on some cartoons. I go into the kitchen and reheat the coffee that was started at 4 that morning.

     Lets say its Luke who gets to me first - I get out of bed, change his diaper, get him something to drink, he picks out a movie..I turn that on and hit the ON button on the coffee pot. Then I actually go to the bathroom myself, brush teeth..look in the mirror and cringe and go repeat with Emma. Then the dog has to go I take the dog out and watch him just sniff for 10 minutes while I get pissy because I haven't had my damn coffee yet to wake me back up!!! Get the dog back in the house, get him food and water and now its time to see if the coffee is warm enough for me to get a taste - by now I am desperate for my morning crack that I call coffee.

     Everyone relaxes for a bit while they drink their drink of choice. For Emma it has to be 'special' strawberry milk. Special as in its a Pediasure Sidekick because she doesn't eat right but she loves them soo mehhh whatever you say princess (if she only knew it was good for her..silent snickers). Lukes drink of choice is always a sip cup full to the brim of chocolate milk.

     Then after everyone is done..I hear the tell tale sign..Lukes sip cup goes flying across the room, Emma is mad at him trying to take an ipad away or something of the sort and my chaos for the day start.

     Ahhhh mornings, aren't they soo special! All the while I am saying inside my head, I need another cup of coffee before this shit starts today =)

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