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Saturday, September 22, 2012


     I have been posting about Little Man always getting into his fish tank. It has now become his obsession. He wants to be in his room all day long staring at his fish and putting things in there. He isn't really hurting anything by being in the fish tank but it makes a hell of a mess!

Can't we be obsessed with something less messy Little Man? Maybe trains, or cars, books, anything other than stuff that can make everything wet and smell like fish water? As I lay there on his bedroom floor behind him I am silently laughing to myself, here is why..

He is at war with himself. He has done extra good today not putting tons of crap in the fish tank but that's probably because Mom and Dad took shifts on him in his room today(by shifts I mean mostly me). But as I sit there I see him with a plastic play screw driver and he keeps wanting to put it in the water so badly. I mean you can feel how bad he wants to just put it in there...just a little bit..maybe just the tip! And bam he pulls it right back out before it touches the water because he knows I am right there watching him.

Every once in awhile he will turn his head slightly to see if I am still paying attention and I just give him the biggest smile. His face turns to shit..I thought she would lose interest by now. So then comes the pattern again of putting the screw driver close and pulling it back. This is follow by him shaking his head back and forth - I assume talking himself out of it. He doesn't get frustrated at all, not even a tiny bit. I thought he would give up or just say 'screw mom I am doing it anyway'. But he doesn't, he doesn't get mad. We sit there for a long time, I start to get sleepy just listening to the bubbles and water.

Finally after all day of being at war with himself he gives in to the evil side - I like to think of it as being Stewie from Family Guy - he throws it in the water.

 After that he just stares at it. I tell him what did you do..this is followed by "bah bah bah" (bad bad bad?) and I cant help but not give a shit anymore. I wasn't mad to begin with because he is starting to show self control which is pretty damn amazing since my self control could use work sometimes when it comes to certain people. And usually after throwing something he will have to put his hand in there..then arm and more toys.. But he didn't this time. He just stood there on the stool to watch it float.

Ya cant pick what your kids will like/love/be obsessed with. I just wish it wasn't something that could get him wet, the carpet yet, toys wet...and smell like fish shit.

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