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Monday, September 10, 2012

Stims Here, Stims There, Stims Are Everywhere!

     I don't know what is going on with Luke lately but his flapping and stimming are on overdrive the past few days. I thought maybe it was because he was constipated but we fixed that problem and the effect was only minimal. Wondering if maybe the weather change has something to do with it? You know these kids have super senses and notice things we don't. Maybe the cool weather is effecting him. I don't believe in the "Quiet Hands" approach when it comes to stimming. If he needs to do it...there is a reason!! This is my personal opinion - if its not disrupting behavior, it has a purpose and its calming him down then its allowed. Although we might not be able to see it or understand there is something causing this.
     As soon as he woke up this morning it was right to jerking his arm about. This doesn't upset me because he doesn't seem upset or distraught, it only makes me more curious. What I wouldn't do to have 5 minutes inside his brain, to see what he sees, feel what he feels, how he perceives the world, what he laughs at in the car..driving down the road when absolutely NOTHING is going on! Ohh what it would be to understand him better. I do know him better than anyone but do I understand everything, hell no! I wish I did and if you have a trick for doing so please let me in =) It would be greatly appreciated!

     On a completely other note though I have been getting him in his room for a few minutes each day to do some activities. We sit on the floor and put shapes in their slots, do stacking stars and I make him stack four blocks up and then repeat all those over once. This is a big deal for him, he doesn't know how to play with those kinds of things, which I am sure most/all of you can relate too. He usually just carries around an object or two to tap on things and make noises with. Its his sisters camera and a broken Toy Story flashlight right now. He has also started piling stuff (whatever he can find) on to the TV stand and you cannot touch it!!!

    He gets very offended if you take any of it away. I have a 2 minute video of him, methodically placing all the stuff he finds and where to put it and a video of my husband trying to take something away. I am not sure how to handle this..if its a good or bad thing? Please let me know!!! I think its his way of play and he enjoys it but I am not sure if I should try to stop it because it doesn't have a purpose? Either way its connected with his Stimming because when his Stims get bad he does this. Maybe its his way of having order as he sees it? Not sure =) Either way I love him. Any comments are always welcome please =)


  1. How old is he? My daughter is 7 now and she still lines things up and stacks them in front of or near her HP TOUCH PC or the I think its normal for them to do it. I know she likes to dump things over to make piles. Maybe just his way of putting things he likes in his own special spot. She also crys if her blocks fall over or toys don't stack like she wants them to. Hope that helps...Tonya
    This is a website I made for our local area.

    1. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, for some reason it didnt tell me I had any comment and here I have 2 new ones! He just turned 3 last month and this started about a week or so ago. He is doing it more and more now and he really enjoys it. So I say, why not? =)
